Slovenia is COOPILOT Project’s next stop, Training session 2nd and 3rd February

//Slovenia is COOPILOT Project’s next stop, Training session 2nd and 3rd February

The Coopilot project is going to Slovenia Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd February for a training session event. We will start at 10 am with a lecture/presentation aimed to answer the question “Is Cooperative entrepreneurship a viable alternative for youth employment”?

We will then have a workshop divided into 3 parts: Part 1 will introduce participants to the double route of cooperative entrepreneurship, the map for the journey and a perspective change approach.

Part 2 will be based on design thinking, fundamentals and techniques for customer discovery, solution matching, easy techniques for problem validation and value proposal design.
Last but not least, part 3 will present basics metrics for project monitoring and bootstrapping principles. Looking forward to your presence, we’ll see you in Ljubljana!
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By | 2018-01-26T15:57:36+00:00 January 26th, 2018|COOPilot Project|2 Comments

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